Sunday, September 11, 2011

Sunday in San Sebastian

Evening approaches on Bay Biscayne

Sunset looking west

Night fall on San Sebastian. What a beautiful place.

This was my last day in Spain. It was overcast but pleasant temperature. I decided to take the funicular down the mountain and walk along the beachwalk.

There were lots of walkers of all ages out for the day. I admired the architecture in this "new town" area. I've noticed that in most cities I've visited in Spain have very beautiful architecture whether it is medieval (Ovieta), ultra modern (Bilboa), early 20th century (Barcelona), Middle Eastern (Granada). Spaniards seem to have an "eye".

While I was walking I could hear loudspeakers across the Bay by the old town. As I got closer I could see there was a huge crowd all along the waterfront on that side of the Bay. Something was definitely going on - this couldn't be just a normal Sunday.

I saw this sign in Basque, Spanish, and English. Surely it was some sort of Basque event but who knows what. This is 911 but I don't think that explains it.,

As I got into the heart of the crowd I could see that many people were wearing matching colors - pink, green, orange but I don't have a clue of the significance.

There also looked to be a lot of sidre drinking.

There were a lot of flags of various colors. The crowd then headed into the old town narrow streets. I just "followed the crowd".

Here are a bunch of green dressed guys drinking a lot of sidre.

There was a band playing in the street.

A couple of red girls.

People started dancing.

Eventually I just walked back along the beach. Sure would like to know what it was all about.

I boarded the funicular and headed up the mountain to my wierd hotel/amusement park.

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