So I decided to check out the Toy Museum in Pezenas. France has a lot of small quirky museums and this was certainly one. I've heard there is a similar little museum over near Vol and Deb's villages which is the Musee Chapeau (hat).
It appears to be run/owned by a couple. It is pretty small and consists of a lot of old toys, most of which I imagine they have picked up at the equivalent of garage sales. A few were remarkable though.
It also very hot inside the museum so I didn't spend a lot of time there.

Here is one I did find really interesting. It is a silloette box and there were a lot of other cutouts sitting by it. These boxes were popular in the late 1800s and entertained the viewer rather like a movie with someone behind the scenes moving the cutouts.

Here are bicyclists racing in an early Tour d'France.

I liked this doll. It was one of my childhood contemporaries. It reminded me of a doll my sister, Judy, had. Judy had an unusual approach to naming her dolls - she named them for whoever gave them to her. She had twin baby dolls named Susie and Mary after our cousins. That doesn't seem to different but then there was another large baby doll named Aunt Teddy. But the most unusual one I am reminded of by the doll on the right - meet Mrs. Carberry.

This is a little hard to see in the case but it is the British precursors to legos. They are plastic pieces that fit together - here making a fire engine.

This isn't a toy - or is it? She is part toy poodle. It's Angel after her toilletage. Yes she and I both went to the groomers in preparation for our trip to Spain. I hope she feels better about herself, I know I do.
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