This is going to be just a quickie post. I have been having some difficulty getting started as the instruction line on my computer automatically switched to Lithuanian and I couldn't figure out how to get signed in till just now.
I am on an Overseas Adventure Travel (OAT) tour and arrived here - Vilnius, Lithuania on Thursday afternoon. It is now Saturday morning and we've had a wonderful two days, have almost gotten adjusted to the local time, and am beginning to learn about this very interesting and different part of the world. Since I need to get ready for a full day of activities I will just show you where I am (because if your like me my knowledge of the geography of this area is a bit limited). It tells you something when you are trying to alert your credit card company of where you will be traveling (e.g., Estonia and the person on the phone says, "Where? I've never heard of it.)
Where we are and where we are going:
We are now in Vilnius, Lithuania. After Lithuania we go to Latvia, Estonia, and then to St. Petersburg and on to Moscow. The above map doesn't show much of Russia but as you can see it borders the Baltic states on their east side. South is Belarus and Poland. Across the sea is Finland to the north and Scandanavia to the west. So at least now you know where we are from a location standpoint. The interesting part is where we are from a people, place, history, culture standpoint so I'll try to give you some detail on that with my next post.
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